Be Excellent Humans.
We believe kids thrive when they are encouraged to follow their curiosity and challenged to look beyond what they think is possible. Young people are capable of so much more than adults think. Kids need to feel safe to explore, experiment and discover new ideas and ways of thinking.
Our Goals and Guiding Principles
Explore. Experiment. Discover.
Our goal is to grow Out-of-School-Time opportunities for K12 young people through hands-on, experiential learning that stimulates curiosity and wonder and makes a positive difference in the wider community.
Why Afterschool Programs Are So Valuable
Afterschool programs rock because of all the amazing things caring adults do with young people outside the regular school day classroom. Like arts and crafts and cooking… reading stories and writing computer code… robots and relay races and running downfield for the big catch. And of course, the snacks.
Qualified Staff Make All the Difference
Kids respond to people who love to work with kids. They have a special radar detector that goes off when they see adults who aren’t genuine or caring. Kids need and want to be around teachers and coaches, scout leaders and drama club directors, band leaders and afterschool providers they can trust to help them through the easy and tough things in life. We all want those special people in our lives.
Kids Need Purpose and Meaning
The pandemic hit everyone hard. Some harder than others. Kids got hit especially hard.
Young kids just don’t have the life experience to develop strong coping mechanisms in the wake of difficult times. We’ve all called them resilient and strong and adaptable. But really, they’re mostly just getting’ by and surviving, like the rest of us.
What They’re Saying About CAL
We think CAL’s 5th Day programs are amazing and have changed the lives of everyone involved. After 5 great years ( some crazier than others… think pandemic ) in six different school districts reaching more than 1000 K12 kids, we have a solid history of helping kids in small rural mountain and plains schools. But […]