We think CAL’s 5th Day programs are amazing and have changed the lives of everyone involved. After 5 great years ( some crazier than others… think pandemic ) in six different school districts reaching more than 1000 K12 kids, we have a solid history of helping kids in small rural mountain and plains schools. But don’t just take our word for it. Listen to what our students, parents and teachers have to say.
My 3rd grade daughter has benefited from AeroLab’s 5th day programs immensely. She is able to explore in a variety of learning pathways with the activities that are planned to push students to think outside of the box. She is able to work collaboratively with a group of kids to accomplish tasks, which is an important learning experience for a girl who “likes to take charge”. She has also benefited from the positive connections with the AeroLab teachers. A program is only as good as the people who run it, and AeroLab is top notch. Our family has also benefited from the community activities and events that AeroLab has hosted. A personal favorite was the Jingle Bell Scavenger Hunt. It was a perfect way to get families out and involved safely in a COVID world.
3rd grade teacher and parent
Our Kindergartener is in a MicroPod giving him a deeper understanding about certain focused topics above and beyond the reading, writing, and arithmetic that is much needed at this developmental age. This opportunity for him to explore a topic like dinosaurs, planets, and the oceans in depth with fun hands on crafting projects is incredible. The MicroPod style of having fewer students per coach also means there is much more focused attention and not any babysitting typical in a traditional classroom setting.
MicroPod parent of kindergartener
When the 2020-21 school year started, Micro Pods gave our family an alternative to returning traditional school. It was great knowing that we had the resources of AeroLab and staff to help our daughter be successful not matter what changes might have occurred in the regular school schedule.
Parent of 4th grader
CAL has helped me to be a more well rounded person and teacher. Under their guidance, I have been afforded the priceless opportunity to work with students on projects, activities and games outside of the “general classroom”, and maybe even more importantly, learn right alongside them.
I have been stretched to learn new ways of teaching, new strategies, new technology and often just plain “pushed out of my comfort zone”. I have taken on challenges which I likely would have bypassed if I had not been given the privilege to work with CAL.
7th grade teacher and 5th Day instructor
Colorado AeroLab has meant an opportunity to try all the things I’ve wanted to do creatively as a teacher but haven’t had the time or liberty to be able to do so. It has been a wonderful testing ground to try new activities and fill my teacher’s toolbox. It has also meant spending quality time with students that is different than the regular school day, like getting to play and brainstorm projects together or identify ways we can give back to our community. It has allowed me to feel like a student with my students and has totally transformed my perspective.
6th grade teacher and 5th Day Lead Site instructor
Colorado AeroLab has encouraged me to go above and beyond the standard norms of teaching. It has provided a fun, energetic twist to education that is our gateway to the future! Being a part of the CAL team has been a blessing, especially throughout COVID. Coming together to create an additional program for students has not only been powerful, but encouraging, and fun too!
Elementary teacher and 5th Day instructor
If you haven’t seen our programs in action, now is the time to get acquainted! Check out our Afterschool Programs and Summer Camps. Get involved today!
Got questions? Give us a jingle.
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